Care Proceedings

We understand that if the Local Authority become involved in your family life this can be a very distressing time. We are here to help.

The Local Authority may become involved with families when they hold significant concerns in relation to the welfare of the child(ren). Contact may be made to initiate Child in Need meetings, Child Protection Conferences, Pre-action meetings, Care Proceedings or Adoption. You may also be involved in private law proceedings where the Court has directed that your child be represented.

We understand how upsetting and difficult issues relating to your children can be and we are here to offer support and guidance through every stage of the process, from offering mediation services and attending meetings to representation at Court. We pride ourselves on being friendly and approachable whilst offering realistic and robust advice and guidance to our clients.

We have Solicitors who are members of the Law Society Children Panel with numerous years of expertise and experience in representing children and parents within the care proceedings and any other proceedings which the Local Authority may bring. We also have Legal Executives and Paralegals who are able to provide their extensive knowledge to parents.

Our team specialises in acting for:

  1. Parents
  2. Grandparents
  3. Other family members
  4. Children through Children’s Guardian. Usually only on the instruction of CAFCASS.

If you are parent to a child who is subject to Public Law Proceedings (Care Proceedings) or Pre-action meetings, then you are automatically eligible for Legal Aid for representation in these matters. You may be eligible for legal aid for child protection conferences, this will subject meeting a criteria and we will be able to assess your specific circumstances. Other family members will also be able to contact us to see if they could be assessed for legal aid.

Within proceedings, you may be invited to attend different Courts, or work with specific professionals including: psychologists, psychiatrists, drug and alcohol workers, domestic violence work or other medical professionals. We have experience with dealing with a vast amount of experts to be able to guide you as to what the most appropriate steps are to take or provide you with a barrister if required.


    Legal Aid is available for a number of matters concerning children and you should contact us to discuss your eligibility to receive free advice and assistance.

    Where legal aid is not available our fees are extremely competitive and we may be able to offer fixed fee packages which can be tailored to suit your individual needs. We are happy to meet with you for a free no obligation discussion about all of your options, please contact us for further information.

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    Kiera Rogers


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    Louise Holmes

    Louise Holmes

    Chartered Legal Executive

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