Family Mediation Fixed Fee – the fresh approach to resolving family issues
Mediation provides a cost effective alternative to resolving the issues surrounding children and finances that can be a result in the break-up of a relationship. The process is designed to use an impartial third party (the Mediator) in joint session with both parties to help resolve any issues and agree common ground.
The sessions are confidential. The mediators can explain the legal issues but rather than representing either party they work with you to reach agreement. It is less confrontational, and therefore less stressful, than pursuing decisions through solicitors and the Courts. It is often far quicker and because agreement is made, it can often improve the communication in the family and result in a better longer-term outcome.
Mediation can be used for couples whether married, cohabiting, civil partnership, separated, divorced, heterosexual or same sex. It can also be used by other family members such as grandparents to help resolve an issue surrounding children or finances. For more information about the benefits and process involved in Family Mediation click here.
Initial appointment £150 (inc VAT), mediation sessions £288 per session (inc VAT), FREE if you qualify for legal aid.
The number of sessions will depend on the issue to be resolved. At the initial session we will assess whether you are eligible for legal aid. If you are eligible and have supplied us with all the relevant documents to confirm this, mediation will be provided free of charge.
The BG Mediation Team Welcomes Government Voucher Scheme
The government has announced that it is investing £1m in family mediation, to support families to resolve issues relating to children. Under the scheme, the Ministry of Justice will provide contributions of up to £500 per family, to resolve issues relating to children following parental separation. Mediation will be provided by Family Mediation Council Accredited (FMCA) mediators and the fund will reduce the costs of mediation for at least 2000 families.
John Taylor, Chair of the Family Mediation Council said ‘This government investment in mediation is much welcomed by the Family Mediation Council. It will help separated families agree solutions that are best for their children, taking into account what is going to be important for them as they grow up. Family mediation is a proven cost-effective way to resolve differences following separation. This voucher scheme will make it even more accessible, and will help families resolve issues for themselves, without having to go to court.’
Family mediation is a process in which an independent, professionally trained mediator helps parents work out arrangements for children and finances following separation. Mediation can also be helpful when previous child arrangements need to change, particularly as children grow up.
- Further information about the scheme, aimed at families who may benefit, will be published here from 10 am on Friday 26 March 2021:
- The Family Mediation Council is a not-for-profit organisation whose aim is to promote the use of family mediation for the benefit of the public. It does not offer mediation itself. Family Mediation Council Accredited mediators meet rigorous professional standards. Find our more:
- For more information about anything contained in this press release or family mediation in general, please contact Ruth Gilliatt–, or Leanne Barnes –, or call on 01724 847 888 or 01472 240 251.
Our initial appointment fee for mediation is £150.00 including VAT. You may qualify for Legal Aid, please contact our offices to discuss your options.
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- 01472 240 251
- 01507 600 610
- 01724 847 888
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