Come along and meet other local businesses…
Running your own business can be a challenge and finding good contacts, whether potential suppliers, customers or just useful people to know, can be difficult. That’s why we have set up the BG & APR Networking Hub, where local businesses can come together to make those important connections in the local business community.
We hold two networking events per month at the times and locations stated below:
- 2nd Friday of the month at AP Robinson & Co, Riby Square, Grimsby from 8.30am
- Last Friday of the month at The Ropewalk Coffee Shop, Maltkiln Road, Barton from 8.30am
If you would like to join us, please email:
info@bgsolicitors.com to book your place
Quick Contact
- 01472 240 251
- 01507 600 610
- 01724 847 888
- 01652 632 215